Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chinese New Year celebration ♥

Happy Rabbit Year yah everyone ! How's your Chinese New Year celebrations going? Time really flies especially when we're having fun ! It's chu shi 初十 already ! ! But don't worry, my mum told me that I still have 5 more days to receive Ang pow from my auntie and uncle ! How cute is she :) The first day of Chinese New Year, I went to Auntie Hiong's home like what I did in previous year 'nian chu yi' ! I still remember the lesson from Auntie Hoing :) she taught us how to pick a good boyfriend ahahaha ! she is so expert in that area ! 

My 2011 Chinese New Year is totally different from previous chinese new year ! I was in Kedah ( My darling's hometown ) during the Chinese New Year celebrations. Because my darling always accompany me in KL, and he'll only backs to his hometown two times every year. So, I should accompany him back to his hometown, celebrate with him, right? * blink eyes * 

My sistas sent me to KL sentral after 'bai nian' at my gu ma's home ! Here's some pichas during our way to KL sentral ♥

my sistas Ting , Ling and I : >
Sistas <3
Lunch Time !
Being Vegetarian during first day of Chinese New Year. So I only chose the french fries and cheese wedges to eat :) 
With my er zi ( xiao wei ). He is the only one who accompany me almost 12 hours each day ahahahaha ! 
My youngest sista stephy , my da jie Ling and xiao wei <3
TingTing and xiao wei :D
Hookayyy ! Let's have some pichas while we waiting for the skybus to come :)
~ Bye Bye ~
He was so excited because this was his first time at Starbucks!
With my favourite drink, Dark Mocha : > 

The second day of chinese new year, my darling brought me to Kek Lok Si, Penang in the early morning. Weehee ! Heading to Penang after 'bai nian' at his gu ma's home ( Kota Emas ). Pichas !
Guan Yin Pu Sha :)
You're not going to believe that there's another Time Square @ Penang. Check !
 Love this picha very much ! Took this picha with my handphone ohh :)

Back to Darling's home , Kedah !
 I must tell you that this little girl ( Le Yi ) loves my bag so muchie <3 And I told her : 
" you'll have one when you turn 20 " LOL 16 more years to go, babe :)
Jie Si, Lee Wen and Le Yi <3
( Sorry if I spelled your name wrongly )
Le Yi and I : >
Jiong Yi !
The cutest girl among them :) But I forgot her name already... sorry about that :'(
Herng Di Di ( The Wondergirl's SUPER BIG BIG BIG FAN )
My Darling and the kids !
See, with my bag again ahahaha :D ROFL ! 
 Lee Wen 
I so miss this girl. She kept on asking me hug her and play with her :)
Babe, sorry for didn't give you my handphone number on that day. We'll meet again and I love yaaa ! HUG ♥
ahahaha my Darling's uncle ~ I've no idea why this photo in my phone's album~
Fu Gui Hua ♥ 
Can you see my Darling and I as background ! 

I had a wonderful chinese new year celebration in Kedah !
And I do appreciate every moments with you all
Trust me, we'll meet again 

Love you all
Good Luck and have a great year !

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